10 September 2012

Allowing space

Allowing space.
This is an interesting subject since space 
can be created by anything - and not just the sky
or a vast expanse of water.
In this picture a house covered in leaves, I noticed how this green space
created a focal point for the two little windows and my eyes were drawn towards them.

The space of this concrete wall allows the hanging leaves to to break the horizontal lines
and to add a welcome touch of colour.
The wall enhances the leaves as a neutral backdrop.

I like this moody sunset sky which makes the silhouettes of the
house, chimney and trees jump out and take on a new importance.

The plain green background created by vegetation really shows up the
spiky shape of the cone flower.

The dove stands out like a paper cut-out, thanks to all the space around it. 

This is the entrance to my building passing in front of the garages.
I love the way the Weigela  bush has grown across the wall 
and part of the garage door.

This composition is one of my favourites because of the
 slighty surrealistic element. The tree shadow seems to be slipping behind
the blue curtain of the sky!
I was returning from my early morning walk and crossing the park and saw
the shadow of a tall tree reflected on the wall of a building in the sun.
The fact that I also took in some of the sky created extra space
for the partial tree shadow.

This gorgeous September sky as backdrop to an equally beautiful yellow flower!

I am joining Kat and others in this exercise of  "Allowing Space"  here:


  1. Great examples, even your blog header. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Good Morning Sandra....you are so creative with your photography! Name the subject and you are ready to go. These are all such beautiful images of space...I love them all. As I viewed each one I thought it was my favorite, but at the end....they are all faves!!! Fantastic work and your new gear is producing beautiful photos! Have a lovely week.

  3. Sandra,
    As always you capture a moment in time so wonderfully. I really cannot choose a favourite - they are all amazing!

  4. Really beautiful examples of allowing space, Sandra.
    There is something wonderful about the mood of the 7th one here, and the sky is amazing in the last one. Perfect backdrop for the flower.
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Fantastic space examples! The one with the tree reflection on the wall is my favorite because it is a bit abstract and I can't help but love pictures composed in thirds.... The last flower picture is amazing too. It's like that blue and yellow were meant for each other! Beautiful, beautiful!!
    Kate :}

  6. Wonderfully pictures Sandra , they are all very nice.

    Thanks for these lovely shots.

    Wish you a nice day,

    Greetings, Joop

  7. Your examples are all so spacious -- I knew this topic would resonate with you! The textures and lines in the garage photo, with the diagonal flowers, create so much visual interest. I really like the last one too.....yellow flower against the big blue sky. Well done, Sandra!

  8. Eine feine, herbstlich angehauchte Fotoserie...



  9. Hi Sandra,

    Wow your photos are fantastic.

    I love them all but I think that my favourite is the yellow flowers with the blue sky behind them, it is amazing.

    You have shown us some wonderful images today
    well not just today but everyday
    you are a great photographer.
    Pity you don't live near me and I would be asking you
    for tips over a coffee!

    Have a great week


  10. Wonderful pictures Sandra, you definitely have the eye for it don't you :))
    I love them all but my two favourites would be the leaves against the grey wall and I just love your last one of the yellow flower against that gorgeous blue sky. It just says summer to me. :))

  11. That shadow-on-the-building shot is a real mind-blower! :)

    Lovely photos as always - and you have put into words some of the things I love in pictures but never knew how to express.

    I think the red vine on the grey wall and the sunset are my favourites.

  12. Sandra, I just love your photography! Your images always draw me in! This is a wonderful collection on using space! I love them all, but my favorite is the first one, beautifully composed!

  13. Great exploration of space in your photographs Sandra! It definitely gives the subject more impact to leave space around it. Thanks for linking in to Exploring with a Camera!

  14. I love all that space and your text about it.

  15. Sandra, how lucky I am! I was reading your excellent commentary on: "about Keep Calm And Carry On" at "happy homemaker uk" and came to know you through your blog. Congratulations, your blog is lovely and you're very sensitive and intelligent.
    I am linking you.


  16. Hi Sandra. This is the first time I've visited your blog and I came via Kat's Exploring with the Camera. I just love the picture with the tree shadow and the blue sky. It's so peaceful and beautiful - just shows how you can see these wonderful things if you really look.

  17. That tree shadow is really an excellent image. I love the colors and shapes and the effective use of space.

  18. A great collection utilising space! I like that a concrete wall can have beauty once broken up by the vibrant leaves. The cone flower is simple and effective and I can't go past that brilliance of blue and yellow and the combination of DoF and space... lovely!

  19. Great shots and beautiful composition.
