19 August 2012

The life of petals

Have you ever looked at the astonishing beauty of a petal?

The soft curve

or been surprised by an unexpected and busy visitor!

The dried petals take on a movement of their own
and the seeds ripen.

Tiny buds unfurl in the warmth of the morning sun

Breathing in the intense colour...

and marvelling at the transformation at each stage
in the life of petals.


  1. Lovely pictures and very nice colors....... well done Sandra.

    Summer greetings, Joop

  2. Lovely cosmos in their budding stage, full bloom, and withered and gone to seed. Each stage has beauty in the petals. Often times I love the final end stage the best, showing off beautiful textures and darker colors. The second and third are my faves, showing the creamy smoothness of lovely pink petals. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Beautiful pictures with wonderful colors.
    Do you perhaps have got a new camera?

    Have a great week, Sandra!
    :-) Dorthe

  4. One of my favorite flowers so beautifully photographed by you, Sandra!
    I love the different angles you used here, and the detail in the first one is magnificent.
    I wish you a beautiful day!

  5. Great to see your takes on the life cycle......more lovely captures, Sandra! I like seeing the beauty of the dried flowers.

  6. Fabulous photos as usual! I couldn't choose a favourite - they are all brilliant!

  7. I love getting right into the flower's face as you have here ... so beautiful. Lovely photos as always. :)

  8. "Astonishingly beautiful" is the perfect description for these lovely images! I'm drawn to the last one, brown and withered, yet still so beautiful!

  9. Oh these a beatiful shots Sandra. This is a lovely flower and such a lovely colour.
    I am trying to decide which is my favourite but they are all great :))

  10. Each step in the process is beautiful, as are your photos, Sandra! I love your ant!

  11. each image
    each petal
    a delight and mystery
    so lovely ~

  12. I really like all of them. such a great shots of those dry petals. Not many people shot those only focusing on the beauty of blooming!
