11 May 2012


Going for an evening walk in my neighbourhood
I saw this beautiful laburnum tree with its sunny hanging flowers blowing gently in the evening breeze.
The blue sky glinted through little spaces in the leaves

and the flowers danced to the music of the wind.

Last year's seedpods had opened up and the seeds were ready to drop to the ground

Suddenly, the wind became stronger and the green leaves and the yellow flowers became a glorious blur of colour letting in the blue spaces of the sky to make everything sparkle and glow -
and the seed pods went with the flow in the direction of the wind.

Such a pretty shaped flower.
The Laburnum is of the Papilionacea family,
leguminous plants whose flowers have butterfly-shaped corollas.
"Papillon" is French for butterfly.


  1. looks like you had a beautiful walk!

  2. Wow Sandra, I love how you told of your evening walk and found these beautiful trees in bloom. I have not seen these before you shared your pictures, and I just love them! I shall be on the lookout for some here. How fun you saw the wind take the seeds away with it, so they can find a new resting, and rooting place. The Papillon shaped flower is gorgeous, and the color is magnificently soft, like sherbet. Have a wonderful weekend, and lovely Mother's Day!

  3. The laburnum is a beautiful blossom isn't it. You captured it beautifully in your shots. The way you described it I could just about hear the wind blowing through the leaves and blossom.
    I'm no tree or gardening expert but did you know that the laburnum is poisonous.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. I have never heard of this Sandra, and it is surely beautiful.
    Looks just like wonderful rays of sunshine!
    Wishing you a fantastic weekend!

  5. Simply gorgeous! Amazed at the creamy yellow blooms. :)

  6. Beautiful flowers, beautifully photographed. I love the seed pods against the blur of green/blue/yellow. Just lovely. Have a great weekend. :)

  7. Sandra, it's nice going with you on this poetic journey. Your dancing flowers are gorgeous.

  8. I've never seen these before -- very lovely! The seed pods are so interesting and are such a nice contrast against the branches. You must have a special aura -- flowers always dance for you!

  9. Dear Sandra,
    Am not around much these days.
    I adore your pictures. Love them as much as I do my own. That is saying a lot: as mine are special to me because they are of my flowers. But yours are just radiant, what ever you take. The header is a treat too. Hope you are well.
