26 April 2012

Sunshine petals

Sunshine petals
Brighten my eyes
on a rainy day!

Pale green stalks
and a perfect layered profile

You fold your petals
with a precision
that only nature knows the secret...

and you come into my home
with your calm
and limpid beauty

The simplicity of your lines
brings spaciousness
into this moment


  1. Good morning Sandra,
    Wow what a lovely pictures of such a beautiful flower.
    Yellow is such a warm and friendly colour don't you think?
    You have a really great way with words - I'm quite envious of that :))
    Hope your weather is improving. We are having a grey, windy and rainy day today. Apparantly this May is going to be our coldest for many years. Groan!!! Roll on the summer :))

    1. Well, Ellie, I certainly hope that May will be sunnier than April was over here. It's not that I mind the rain, but I prefer it when it doesn't waterlog all the beautiful blooms at this time of the year. The lack of sun is a little dreary, I agree, but it gives us time to do a lot of homebound pursuits!

  2. Wonderful flower......the dutch name is "Ranonkel",
    this color is really nice Sandra.

    wish you a lovely and sunny day

    greetings, Joop

    1. Hello Joop, I never know whether to add little replies to photography friends who come in to visit. It seems like a common courtesy... but do people come back to read these replies?! Who knows!
      It's always nice to see you come in for a visit!
      Don't breathe, but the sun was shining this morning when I opened my blinds. April showers have obscured this yellow loveliness for the most part of the last three weeks. Sending some sun your way, in case it hasn't come your way yet!

  3. What a beautiful flower! The colour is gorgeous. All of the photos are lovely but my favourites are the first and last. I love to see the textures close-up.

    1. I'm with you Jenny, I adore seeing textures close-up too!

  4. There are not enough superlatives to describe these beautiful photographs Sandra!
    One of my favorite flowers, so beautifully captured.

    1. It's the first time that I have treated myself to these beautiful flowers, but I have always admired them from afar. Now I have become a Ranunculus fan too! Thank you for your comments! :)

  5. The flowers are beautiful. So glad you stopped by! Flowers have always been one of my favorite subjects.

    1. So nice to see you here, Andrea. I really enjoyed popping in to see you!

  6. Such wonderful, joyful yellowness! The lines and composition of your images really help us see this flower's beauty. I love your macro with the layers of petals opening up. I've become a fan of the ranunculus too!

  7. Oh Sandra!! Whatever lens you are using, it is perfect for these close up shots! These are simply amazingly gorgeous, and more! I love the yellow colors, the sun shining behind them....they simply brighten my day. I too only learned about these beauties the last two weeks. Would love to have some in my garden. Rainy and chilly today, typical spring weather, and the plants and trees love it. Have a lovely weekend!

  8. What beautiful flowers you have here!
    thank you.

  9. O yes….Leontien need this !!!..love for all the blog girls who give her flowers today !!…glad you did this….love Ria…xxx…

  10. thank you for adding these to leontien's bouquet. :)

  11. Leontiens bouquet is ever so beautiful with the addition of these beauties. B

  12. Beautiful blooms!

    Thank you for joining us at Flowers for Leontien. xoxo
