28 March 2012


This is the brief story of a zinnia flower.
A flower I appreciate for its vibrant colours, gorgeous petal formation and, in the case of the single zinnia, the tiny yellow flowers which form in the heart of the flower.
Butterflies are attracted to zinnias and I love butterflies too.

Some time ago, I needed to choose a pseudonym for an online site and discussion group I joined.
I chose 'Zinnia'.

When I started this blog in 2010, using the same pseudonym just seemed to fall into place.
Now I have decided to come back home to me - and from today, I shall be using my own name
which is Sandra!

As you see, I am not a zinnia flower... though in truth I feel at one with all flowers!

Within a caterpillar resides the future butterfly
and within this zinnia resides a person!
Although the flower label has been put aside. I am still who I ever was and still am
with an 'S' instead of a 'Z'!

26 March 2012

Woodland beauty

How I love to walk in the woodlands at this time of the year!
The autumn leaves are still very apparent underfoot, 
but little flowers are poking their way through the leafy spread.
Blue scilla flowers light up mossy corners.

The delicate wood anemone dances in the gentle breeze, showing off her sunny centre and tossing her pretty cut-out leaves.

The young green leaves soak up the filtered sun and their fresh colour makes me breathe in deeply to take in all their goodness.

Here is the Anemone hepatica, so vibrant in colour.
Each day I notice so many changes in nature and I feel the need to get out every day and not miss a morsel of all this new growth and glorious beauty!

22 March 2012

The trumpets sound

The trumpets sound to proclaim the news!

All petals gather for the kiss of the sun.
they jostle and push to get the best view!

Now, now, breathe in breathe out..

Join in the fun -
There's plenty of room 
for everyone!

20 March 2012

Spring Equinox

The lilac leaves have just started to open. 
On March 20th,  the day and the night will be the same length and nature is awakening at last.

Tiny yellow flowers are appearing on branches everywhere... I've never seen so many.

Insects are coming out to warm their gossamer wings in the  sun

and flowers are starting to unfurl their petals.

Violets are pushing their way through the earth and bringing a note of gaiety among the browns of autumn.

Every day, something new is happening and unfolding...

The catkins by the pond are getting ready to release their pollen

and the deep blue sky shows off the first tree blossoms.
and be merry!
Spring is here again!

17 March 2012

Balancing Shapes

Learning to balance shapes and arranging space within the frame.
Seeing the lines, the tones and shapes 
and choosing what to include and what to exclude.
In this image I love the bright colours and the textures and the way they compliment each other.

In this image I felt that the round ventilation grid gives a welcome focal point and the shape works with the straight lines in most of the other elements. The curtains with their design and side frill also soften the lines.

I love this one because of the different shapes, the muted colours and the depth of field.
The sun shining on the shelves also adds warmth and shadows.

I am attracted to reflections and like the vertical lines and their reflection in the window and the coloured spaces: white, pink and green balanced by what was excluded from the frame.

I was attracted to this image because of the sheer impact of the colours in the afternoon sun, how the peeling brown paintwork reveals a natural wood colour which echoes the colour chosen for the shutters.
I also love the shadows of branches from a tree which break up the vertical lines.

16 March 2012

Up with the birds

There is nothing more delicious than an early morning walk!
This morning I was out at 5.45 am to catch the birdsong and experience the beautiful blue hour just before the break of day.
This blackbird sang the sweetest of songs

and the tree stretched its branches out to the sky and did a little harmonious swaying movement

The weathercock on the church steeple turned a little in the breeze... but no sound came out of its metal beak and the blackbird took pity on it and burst into song...
and the crescent moon was suspended high above the chimneys on the other side of the sky
where the blue was changing colour.
Does a sky have sides?

As I crossed the park to go home for breakfast, 
the sky was taking on a delicate pinkish hue.
Have you ever been out walking before the break of day?
Try it sometime.
The moment is magical.

14 March 2012

Hints of Petals

Noticing the tiniest of details

and the intermingling of colours as they break the rules of staying neatly in their place.
Where is their place?
Wherever they choose to go!

The nurturing of a small bud as it stretches to be free of its leafy confines
Can you perceive the movement?

Tranquil petals

The treasure within

The chalice of life

12 March 2012

9 March 2012

Life energy

Have you ever really looked inside a flower to see, feel and experience the incredible life energy which radiates within?

7 March 2012

Shades of apricot

Hints of green stalks and curly petals


seeking the light


soft encounter

5 March 2012

March skies and melting snow

We have had a week of stunning blue skies and deliciously warm temperatures

The pine trees stand dark and tall  against the beautiful  blue of the sky
and the snow is receding and melting in the midday sun

The snow poles with their red painted tops can still be seen along the road
Winter may not yet have said its last word!

Freshly laid eggs can be bought at the local farm. 
In the summer, honey and homemade jam and flowers from the garden are also for sale

Looking across to the mountains before returning home

and noticing the timid apparition of the first primroses on shady banks.