13 February 2012

Recognizing Inspiration

My main inspiration comes from nature. I feel a deep connection with it. I love to get away from concrete and buildings to totally connect with life in its purest form. To feel and breathe in oneness with it all makes me more alive and aware.

I like to get very close to a flower, to go beyond what my eyes see...

The following things count for me the most in photography:
1) Total awareness in the presence of my subject. Feeling the essence within, getting to the very heartbeat of what I am observing.
2) Capturing an image that depicts that heart connection. One that conveys that initial feeling I experience, rather than over-editing what I see later on the screen. I don't care for special effects unless I'm doing something for fun! I don't like to 'embellish' a photo beyond recognition in which the whole subject loses its soul in the process.
3) I prefer an image which speaks to me, which captures what I feel as opposed to one that is visually 'perfect' photographically speaking, but doesn't create that warm glow inside of me.

When I am in the presence of trees, I can feel the life force emanating from them

When I observe a flower, I penetrate into its heart and lose myself in its presence
I let the colours and the shapes penetrate my very being, I feel as if I am breathing them in
When I observe a blade of grass or see a leaf illuminated by the sun, I am pulled into the world of the subject I am observing and we join together in a silent exchange 

Any excitement I may feel comes from being in the presence of nature. At this point, I am capturing what I see with my eyes and all my other senses, there is almost no need for the camera because everything is being imprinted within me.
However, when I do have my camera with me, there is the feeling of capturing that precise moment in time and taking photos from different angles.
Editing is not my favourite part and I hope to edit less and less as I get into the manual settings of my camera.
Looking at the  images on the computer tells me if I have captured what I felt in the moment. I eliminate the photos which do not express the essence with which I entered into contact at the time of capture.

Editing is not a very strong source of creative inspiration for me. In fact, it can sometimes remove the meaningful depth of the subject photographed.
In the last few weeks, I have also noticed that I can  be captivated by abstract shapes and that I could be inspired by those shapes, as well as by texture and by colour.


  1. Oh I love your pictures - I also like taking pictures of flowers and greenery. They do sort of 'speak to you' don't they?

  2. Sandra your pictures are amazing! It sounds like you are totally in love with photography and capturing beauty everywhere. I just now noticed that fall leaf is on a chain link fence, how fun. Love your post! Beverly

  3. Hi Sandra,
    Your words and images really speak to your close connection with nature. The way you compose your pictures makes one feel like we've crawled right into nature and can't help but notice her beauty. Very heartfelt! I especially love the rich color that you aren't afraid to grab hold of. Wonderful!!!

  4. Your connection to nature is so apparent in your beautiful images! I think it is fascinating how we are drawn to different things and not to others. You have a strong awareness of what matters to you and why. I love your idea of "silent exchange".

  5. I love nature too. Your words poetically described how you feel and it is beautiful- just like your photography.

  6. This whole post just speaks to my heart Sandra! You weave such a spell with your words and images, I can feel what you experience as you photograph nature. What a gift this morning! Thank you so much for sharing the inspiration that capturing the heart of nature brings to you.

  7. What a great post. I love your observations on what you feel beyond just what you see and how you paired your photos here with your thoughts. Your tree photo and rose photo are really beautiful!

  8. I love the way you capture flowers and how deeply you share your feelings. thank you and congratulations :)

  9. I have taken many photos of the trapped leaves, that really speaks of the season.

  10. Your photos and your words are so rich with color and intensity. It is wonderful when we know what is important to us and are able to follow our heart and our dreams. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your beautiful pictures of nature. Both are inspiring~

  11. Beautiful post. You captured the emotional essence of photography. You're words resonated with me deeply - I was saying - Yes! That's it! I feel that way, too! Lovely job.

  12. Stunning photos. I can feel your enthusiasm through your words. Thank youf or sharing - it was wonderful to read your experiences!

  13. Hi Sandra, your words resonate completely with me and your images truly communicate the spirit of the growing things you see. Wonderful post.

  14. I love your photographs but mostly how your words express how you feel about each one. I've just found your site but I will be coming back often. You are such an inspiration

  15. all great inspirations Sandra, those trees are AMAZING, great capture!!
