6 February 2012

Learning from other artists

I'm inspired by skies

The art exhibition I visited over the weekend was called: "From Tiepolo to Degas".
What did I learn by seeing another artist's work?
What inspired me?
What did I like about their art?

Which artist inspired me the most from the exhibition?
His name is François-Louis David Bocion, born in 1828 in Lausanne, Switzerland.
He was well-known for his paintings of Lake Léman.
He also studied in Paris and made many paintings in Venice.
What I like about his art are the beautiful reflections in the water and his vast skies, dotted with clouds.

painting by Bocion

I have noticed that these elements sometimes appear in my own photographs
like this photo taken of the same lake that Bocion loved to paint.

What did I dislike in this exhibition?
I didn't enjoy looking at art that was flat and lifeless looking or that contained a maximum of muddy tones.

What did I noticed that was new to me?
I noticed that I could also enjoy looking at rather abstract art where I was able to take pleasure in shapes and colours without labelling them.

painting by Bocion of a very calm lake

It's true that I feel "called" to calm waters with gentle reflections
rather like this one of a smaller lake

I love the peace that is felt in the above picture with the play on light and shadows and the soft reflections of the white house to the left of the trees and the other reflectionsof the trees to the right of the capture.

Of course, I like many other types of paintings, but these were about the ones I saw in the exhibition.
There were also a few paintings of well-known artist, René Magritte. I really like the quirkiness of some of his works. Here are two examples:

René Magritte
This one is called "The Human Condition". I love it!

René Magritte
This one has two elements I am really attracted to: sky and water

There are often blue skies with fluffy clouds in Magritte's paintings. They really draw me in.

I will be doing the exercise more often now... allowing myself to be inspired by other artist's visions and noticing how many of my photographs  have already incorporated what I have seen elsewhere - without even realizing it.


  1. How exciting to be inspired by a local artist, who painted some of the same subjects that you photograph. I love Bocian's very calm lake -- the composition and colors are beautiful! Your interpretation of the lake is lovely and so peaceful. I've always enjoyed Magritte's work too. Thanks for sharing the examples and taking us on your museum visit.

  2. Wonderful Sandra! You really found some great parallels between these artist's work and your own. Isn't it fun to discover? You are surrounded by so much art where you live - you will have many wonderful opportunities to be inspired! Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

    1. Thanks for coming into visit, Kat. Yes, this was a fun assignment. I shall be looking out for new art exhibitions to visit and to learn from!

  3. Great post! I love Magritte and all the surrealists -- actually. I don't know if you have seen this but here is a great series of posts on the surrealists and photographers: http://www.adammarelliphoto.com/2011/11/surrealist-manifesto-part-i/

    1. Hello Jessica, thank you for popping in to say hello and thanks also for the link to the surrealists which I had a first browse round! I don't like all surrealists, but I do like most of Magritte's work, sometimes it's funny, always original and takes me into another parallel dimension which allows me to see a diffrent angle on things!

  4. loved the tour :) and so amazing you find parallels between your fav painter and your own work. thank you for changing the font. this one is very nice ;) I also love Magritte's work. sadly, where I live there are very little options for this assignment. xxo

    1. Ana, maybe you have a library near you where you could borrow a book on art. Failing that, one can look up favourite painters on internet and find parallels between our own photographs and their paintings.

  5. Sandra,
    What a great experience you had...and now we all have as well. I find it so amazing to see the common themes between the paintings you were drawn to and your photos, which are beautiful. Thanks so much. Gail

    1. Hi Sandra, your cloud photo is brilliant. Interesting how there are such similarities between your photo and Bocion's painting. I loved the Magritte with the dove shape. The others are a bit strange--but i have to say that I do love his clouds. His paintings really stop you in your tracks. Isn't it interesting how many different responses we are seeing to this assignment.

  6. Sandra,
    I love how you were able to show the common themes between your work and Magritte's paintings. I really enjoyed your photos, and the paintings you displayed. Perfect that you have a photo of the same lake he liked to paint. Good job here, very interesting.

    1. Yes, the skies and reflections in Bocion's paintings are quite inspiring to me - and Magritte's signature seems to be blue skies with fluffy white clouds as they appear in a great many of his works.

  7. Hi Sandra,
    It sounds like you were able to see work that varied greatly in style. I think that the fact that you appreciate a lot of different styles will serve your art photography well- a creative, inquisitive mind :) How fun that you've worked on the same lake as Bocion! It's easier to learn from an artist when the subject matter is the same or closely parallels our own. Anyway, thanks for sharing all your insights!

    1. There are many many paintings that can be sources of inspiration. The Impressionists with their wonderfully free style touch me particularly. I think that being an Impressionist photographer would please me very much ... just hinting at things and making the colours and shapes flow into each other to create a an atmosphere that only gives brief glances at the subject being photographed.

  8. Hi Sandra ! Your blue skies with the clouds are beautiful. We all seem to long for a day with clear blue skies, but the clouds make a sky so much more interesting for photographers and artists. There are great similarities between Bocion's painting and your photograph. Did you take your photograph in the morning? To me the sunlight in your photograph feels like morning. What a beautiful place in the world to live in!

  9. Hi Phyllis, yes, you're right, that photo of the sky with clouds and reflections in the water was taken quite early in the morning at the end of a long walk to watch the sunrise take place. My favourite times to walk are early mornings and late afternoons... well, at least in the warm season! These days, with our continuing way below zero temperatures, even walking around midday freezes your hands off!

  10. I love how similar your cloud photo was to the painting! This is such an interesting concept of shared similarities to well-known artists!

  11. wow sandra, i always find your images stunning. what a great reflection against the artist you chose. i notice that we are drawn to the same things in an image, water & sky!
