15 December 2011

Filled with joy

"The Present Moment is filled with joy and happiness.
 If you are attentive, you will see it."
Thich Nhat Hanh


  1. What amazing color....is that SOOC? Wonderful quote to go with your lovely image!

  2. p.s. I like your new header.

  3. Hi Gina, nice to see you! I had to look up what SOOC meant! Straight out of the camera. In fact that picture of the unknown mauve berries was taken with my small compact camera in very bad lighting. It turned out blurred looking, but I rather liked the water-colour effect it gave, so kept it. I did however have to lighten the picture a little because of the bad lighting conditions!
    I'm glad you like the new header. Thank you for saying so. I tried out others before and this one just clicked. I adore seed pods and all they represent!
