30 April 2011

Wood Violets

Enchanting us with their presence in shady parts of the woods

29 April 2011


Borage officinalis has many health benefits

19 April 2011

A homely corner

There's nothing quite like a vase of lilac in spring 
to make our home feel welcoming and full of joy!

10 April 2011


A little boy contemplates
the pond
the ducks 
and this April moment
when the trees offer us
their freshest green.
Spring has returned!


Every year,
I go to the pond with my grandson
and we take a picnic.
This is what sweet childhood memories are made of!

9 April 2011

Leaves unfurling

The magical time of the year
when nature awakens
in a burst of unfurling leaves
and glorious fresh green scenes to please all our senses.